Expedition to the Limit.
Welcome to our trekking expedition through the Andes Mountains, crossing the oldest border crossing in Patagonia.
For 8 days, we will accompany you on an adventure that will allow you to cross not only a geographical border, but also an emotional border. Our goal is to challenge you to cross the self-imposed limits that we all have that prevent us from moving towards our goals.
The expedition begins in Bariloche, in northern Patagonia, and ends in Puerto Varas, a sister city of Bariloche that sits on the "other side" of Tronador and overlooks the Osorno Volcano. During the trip, you will have the opportunity to tour the border crossing which gives rise to the city of Bariloche. But this expedition is not only about the path we travel, but also about what we can learn from ourselves and from others.
It is specially designed to make it a memorable experience. You just need to bring your adventurous spirit and be willing to push the limits.
Are you ready to cross your limits and reach beyond your personal borders? Join us and start this adventure today!
Participant Profile.

Professionals over 30 years of age and people who have participated in the Leaders 2030 or Es Ahora Program, who come from different areas and geographical locations.
People in good physical condition, who have a predisposition for continuous learning and willing to have a more conscious life, being protagonists of their own future and focused on their personal purposes.
The greatest of journeys began with a simple step forward.
How do I apply?.
Para ser parte de nuestra próxima expedición debés solicitar el formulario de postulación Haciendo Clic Aquí!
Te sugerimos que cuando recibas el formulario lo completes con tiempo y dedicación, pues es el primer contacto que tenemos para conocerte antes de proyectar un camino juntos.

Sumate a la expedición el Cruce de los Andes y descubrí que hay del otro lado.
Criterios de admisión: ¿Cómo elegimos nuestro próximo equipo?.

El equipo de educadores de Patagonia On Foot realiza la selección de postulantes con el objetivo de formar un grupo rico en experiencias, trayectorias, personalidades y lugares de origen.
Buscamos que cada integrante logre obtener el mayor beneficio y sea fuente de inspiración para otros.
Los postulantes seleccionados recibirán un correo electrónico con la documentación obligatoria y necesaria para poder realizar la expedición.
Semana Santa
8+2 Días

+ 30 Años*

Trabajar con grupos reducidos y ser conscientes del medio ambiente nos permite garantizar una alta calidad de servicio y experiencia.
Nuestro lema es "grupos pequeños grandes experiencias"
Experiencia de alto impacto y tiempo de calidad.
La posibilidad de crear vínculos duraderos.
Bolsa de dormir de plumas.
Mochila de montaña*.
Bastones de trekking.
Transportes dentro de la expedición.
Alojamiento de una noche en hostel -en habitación compartida- en Puerto Varas, Chile.
Pensión completa de montaña durante la expedición: Desayuno + almuerzo + merienda + cena.
Equipo grupal como carpas, calentadores, combustible, equipo de rescate y equipos de comunicación: VHF y satelital (InReach).
Seguro de accidentes personales.
Entradas a Parques Nacionales y permisos necesarios.
Guías certificados, docentes e instructores.
* Salvo para las personas que permanezcan en Chile luego de la expedición.
No Brindamos.
Pasajes de ida ni de vuelta desde la ciudad de origen al lugar donde se desarrolle la expedición.
Alojamientos en San Carlos de Bariloche.
Pasaje de vuelta Puerto Varas a Bariloche. (Hay colectivo directo todos los días)
Seguro personal y de viaje (obligatorio).
Gastos derivados de abandonar la expedición.
Equipo personal obligatorio.
Extras que no estén expresados en la lista de proveemos.
Solicitá más Información.
Preguntas más frecuentes.
1. Do I need to have mountain experience to participate?No, the expedition is designed for people with no experience in terrain or mountain experiences but definitely in good physical, psychological and emotional condition.
2. What does 7 + 2 days mean?Which are seven days of expedition, plus the meeting day prior to the start of the expedition and the day after, that you can return home or stay at the destination to continue enjoying.
3. Where is the expedition?The itinerary of the expedition is a well-kept secret. When we send you the acceptance email to the course, we will reveal the meeting place and time. Don't worry, we do it with enough time so you can organize yourself.
4. How is the payment system?When we send you the value of the program, we tell you about the different payment options and the promotions that we have available.
5. How do I get to the meeting point?Each participant decides whether to arrive by plane, car, bus or bicycle.
6. Can I apply for a scholarship?Sorry, this option is not available for foreign participants
7. How can I prepare myself physically?Undoubtedly, doing aerobic activities. For example, running or cycling.
8. Are there shelters? Where do we sleep?Sometimes yes, sometimes no. We usually sleep in tents, but we're sure that one night you'll want to bivouac.
9. Are there bathrooms?In shelters yes, but usually no. But don't worry, there are techniques for everything.
10. What activities are we going to do?It is impossible -and contrary to our principles- to tell you everything we are going to do.
11. Can you consider my dietary requirements?Definitely yes! You will only have to help us a little with the planning and cooking.
12. Can I wear glasses or contact lenses on the expedition?Yes, they may even be used by some of the course instructors.
14. Can I bring electronic devices to the expedition?First, we are going to remind you that on the fifth day of the expedition you will understand what a gram of excess in your backpack is. In addition, there is no telephone or Wi-Fi signal in the places we pass through. Finally, we remind you that if the device gets wet it is your responsibility.
15. What training do my instructors have?The Patagonia On Foot team is made up of a group of teachers, mountain guides and kayak guides. Our instructors are true Outdoor Educators, with extensive experience in expeditions from different institutions in Argentina and abroad.
16. Can you put together a special course for my group of friends?Yes, but we would have to define the objectives of the expedition together. The Líderes 2030 program has its own objectives and conditions.
17. What are the Universities with an agreement and what benefits do they have?The Universities with an agreement with Patagonia On Foot are: - Universidad del Salvador - Universidad Torcuato Di Tella - Universidad del CEMA - Universidad Abierta Interamericana - Centro de estudiantes del Instituto Tecnólogico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) - Centro de estudiantes de Abogacía de la Universidad Católica Argentina - Centro de estudiantes de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Católica Argentina The benefit that the students of these universities have is: - Exclusive vacancies - 10% discount
18. When do applications open?Applications open on October 1 of each year and close when the available vacancies run out. Which for issues of quality of experience, safety and environmental impact are very limited!
19. ¿Qué hacemos con el equipaje que llevamos al viaje pero no a la expedición?Nos los das el primer día, te lo guardamos en un lugar seguro y nos encargamos de que lo recibas el último día.
19. What else?If you've read this far, you're obviously motivated. So congratulations! You meet the first requirement of our selection criteria.
20. And question 13?We are waiting for you. Does it occur to you? Write us at info@patagoniaonfoot.com and maybe your question will take that place.
Nos acompañan en esta aventura.